POLS 3180 Public Opinion and Political Behavior
Second Exam Review

The Organization of Public Opinion
Content of Public Opinion
  • Morality Issues
  • Foreign policy
  • Economic policy

    Terms you should know:
    attitude constraint
    attitude stablity
    belief system
    Big Five
    black political ideology
    Bradley effect
    converting election
    cooperative internationalism
    critical election
    deviating election
    elective circumstances
    explicit prejudice
    generational (or cohort) effects
    ideological "sophisticates"
    ideologically "naive"
    implicit prejudice
    levels of conceptualization
    life-cycle effects
    Michigan model
    militant internationalism
    maintaining election
    moral traditionalism
    period (or history) effects
    pocketbook evaluations
    "rally around the flag" event
    realigning election
    sociotropic evaluations
    traumatic circumstances

    The exam will feature one of the following essay questions.  Your best bet is to be prepared to answer each of them.  Furthermore, it is not wise to try to anticipate which one I will select because the decision will be a random choice.

    1. Discuss the importance of ideology to the American public. How, and to what extent, do Americans identify themselves ideologically? How does the way in which we measure ideological "sophistication" effect our understanding of the importance of ideology?
    2. Discuss the role of party identification in the shaping of political attitudes and behavior. How, and to what extent, has this role changed over the past five decades, and how has the partisanship of the American electorate in general changed?
    3. Discuss attitudes about moral issues in the United States. What are the determinants of Americans' attitudes about abortion and gay rights? How has the distribution of these attitudes changed over the last 40 years?