POLS 3150
Executive Branch
Second Exam Review

Presidential Power Evaluation of President

Presidential Character and Ability

President and Media
Presidents and Parties President and Interest Groups

Terms you should know:
breakthrough politics
collegial system of management style
competitive pattern of management style
cycle of decreasing influence
cycle of increasing effectiveness
Executive Reorganization Act of 1938
formalistic pattern of management style
management style
minimalist model
multiple advocacy
Pendleton Act of 1883
Presidential Transitions Act of 1963
regime time
self-reliant model
spoils system
strategic competence
style (Barber)
White House Office of Communications
White House Press Office
world view

The exam will have one of the following essay questions. Your best bet is to be prepared to answer each of them. Furthermore, it is not wise to try to anticipate which one I will select because the decision will be a random choice.

We have seen a variety of theories that have been offered to help explain how well a president performs while in office. Most notably we saw how character, competence, and context each offer an explanation for presidential performance. Briefly discuss how each of these help to explain an individual president's success at governing.

Compare and contrast the governing process for presidents and prime ministers. What similarities does each type of chief executive face and how do their situations differ?

Describe the relationship that exists between the presidents and their party. Citing historical examples, explain how this relationship changed over the years and why.