POLS 2120
Political Parties
First Exam Review

Terms you should know:
Australian ballot
Automatic delegates
blanket primary
brokered national conventions
closed primary
Duverger's Law
Federal Election Campaign Act
Federal matching funds
hill committees
King Caucus
McGovern-Fraser Commission
open primary
Pendleton Act
political action committees
presidential primaries
proportional representation
semi-closed primary
semi-open primary
soft money
spoils system
Super Tuesday
universal primary

The exam will also feature one of the following essay questions. Since the question will be selected at random, your best bet it is to study for each of them and to not try to anticipate which one will actually appear on the exam.

  1. It is widely agreed by party scholars that the American political parties are essentially decentralized in nature. Briefly explain what this means and why this seems to be the case. How, and to what extent, have the parties attempted to counter this situation?

  2. There has been much discussion in recent years over whether or not the United States has undergone a party realignment. Briefly explain what a realignment is and how it is presumed to take place, then discuss why it is that political scientists could not agree over whether or not such a realignment has occurred in the last 60 years or so.

  3. Describe the process by which the political parties nominate their candidates for president. How has this process changed over time and what effect has it had on the role of party organizations in the electoral process?