United States House of Representatives Party Leadership
in the United States Congress
 United States Senate

House Senate
Speaker Republican

John Boehner (OH)
Vice President Democrat

Joseph Biden
President Pro Tempore Republican

Patrick Leahy (VT)

Majority Leader Republican

Eric Cantor (Virginia)
Democrat Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi (CA)
Majority Leader Democrat

Harry Reid (NV)
Republican Minority Leader

Mitch McConnell (KY)
Majority Whip Republican

Kevin McCarthy (CA)
Democrat Minority Whip

Steny Hoyer (MD)
Majority Whip Democrat

Richard Durbin (IL)
Republican Minority Whip

John Cornyn (TX)
  Democrat Assistant Minority Leader

John Clyburn (SC)

Additional Party Leadership Positions

House Senate
Chair of Republican Conference

Cathy McMorris Rogers (WA)
Chair of Democratic Caucus

Xavier Becerra (CA)
Chair of Democratic Caucus

Harry Reid (NV)
Chair of Republican Conference

John Thune (SD)
Chair of Republican Policy Committee

James Lankford (OK)
Chair of Democratic
Steering and Policy Committee

Nancy Pelosi (CA)
Chair of Democratic Policy Committee

Charles Schumer (NY)
Chair of Republican Policy Committee

John Barasso (WY)
Chair of NRCC

Greg Walden (OR)
Chair of DCCC

Steve Israel (NY)
Chair of DSCC

Michael Bennet (CO)
Chair of NRSC

Jerry Moran (KS)
Chair of Rules Committee*

Pete Sessions (TX)
*Technically not a party position, but functions as an arm of the Speaker

As of September, 2013