Political Science 3000
Political Analysis
First Paper Assignment

Article Synopsis

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you (or reacquaint maybe) with the process of researching articles in academic journals and to get you to recognize the key components of empirical research. This is important because a major initial step in the research process is finding out what is known about your research question. It can also be useful in coming up with a research question in the first place. Many times published research will raise new questions to be answered. In the end, it is something that you will HAVE to do in future research projects for other classes.

Task: Go through issues from the last 5 years of one of the following political science journals: American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Political Research Quarterly or The Journal of Politics, and find one article dealing with some topic of interest to you. Make certain that the article is from one of these journals, and that it is an empirical study. If you are not sure if it is an empirical study, ask me.  One hint will be if you are having troubles discerning the answers to the questions below for your article, you are probably not dealing with an empirical study.

Write up a typewritten synopsis (3-4 double-spaced pages in length) of this article giving the following details:

What this paper is NOT:  It's not a "book report." It's not about summarizing what the article is about. It's about identifying the elements of inquiry that we've discussed in class. If you do not clearly and correctly answer each of the questions above, you will lose points.

Your paper will be graded on style and content. You must include a copy of the article with your paper. Plagiarism will not be tolerated: use your own words, and use proper citation when you use the author's words to highlight a point (but such practice should be kept to a minimum). If you have any questions, ask me.

Due: Submit your paper (along with a pdf version of your article) via Canvas by the due date listed in Canvas.