The Composition of the United States Supreme Court |
Justice |
Year of Appointment |
Appointed by |
Current Age |
L I B E R A L |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
1993 | Clinton | Byron White | Kennedy |
Sonia Sotomayor |
2009 | Obama | David Souter | G.H.W. Bush |
Stephen Breyer |
1994 | Clinton | Harry Blackmun | Nixon | ||||
Elena Kagan |
2010 | Obama | John Paul Stevens | Ford | ||||
M O D E R A T E |
Anthony Kennedy |
1988 | Reagan | Lewis Powell | Nixon | |||
C O N S E R V A T I V E |
John Roberts Chief Justice |
2006 | G.W. Bush | William Rehnquist | Nixon | |||
Samuel Alito |
2006 | G.W. Bush | Sandra O'Connor | Reagan | ||||
Neil Gorsuch |
2017 | Trump | Antonin Scalia | Reagan | ||||
Clarence Thomas |
1991 | G.H.W. Bush | Thurgood Marshall | Johnson |